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Each year the BOAG Educational Committee awards two scholarships to an entering freshman or upperclassman student that shows superior academic achievement and exhibits a financial need. The scholarship recipient is selected from applicants that are sons and daughters of active, retired, or deceased building department personnel of a municipal or county government which is an active member of BOAG. One scholarship is given in honor of William H. Downs and the other in honor of Dick Gecoma. All applications must be received by the BOAG  Educational Committee, along with an up-to-date record and a copy of the applicant’s ACT or SAT scores, prior to March 15th . Applications are available by downloading from this website or by contacting your nearest BOAG Officer or Contact Us.


Criteria of Qualification of Student Applicants

The Committee may establish reasonable and operable procedures and qualifications for determining the selection of the student considered as the recipient of the grant from the Educational Fund, provided not in conflict with criteria or guidelines herein stated, and as follows:


  1. The student applicant shall be the son, daughter or grandchild of living, retired or deceased building department personnel of a city or county government, and further, that such city or county shall be an active member of the Building Officials Association of Georgia.

  2. The student applicant shall agree that the use of grant funds shall be predicted on his or her enrollment or continuance of education in a recognized and/or accredited school such as college, university, trade school, business college, or as may be acceptable to the Educational Committee. The approved fund should be used for such purposes as tuition fees, books and student school supplies, rather than for room, board, clothes and living expenses, unless otherwise determined by the Committee.

  3. The applicant shall show need for financial assistance.

  4. The applicant should possess qualities of good character and integrity.

  5. A record of evidence of satisfactory scholastic or school grades, ability, ambition and desire for continuance of education shall be submitted.

  6. The grant of funds may be utilized by a student for continuation to succeeding year or years upon satisfactory academic progress, subject to review by the Committee. The maximum number of years that funds may be granted a student is four (4) years. All students desiring continuation of funding must make application each year.

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PO Box 697, Snellville, GA 30078


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